Certificate course in MERN

Live-online classes schedule

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Week 1: Introduction to MERN Stack

  • Overview of the MERN stack and its advantages
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to MongoDB and NoSQL databases

Week 2: MongoDB

  • Data modeling and schema design with MongoDB
  • CRUD operations with MongoDB
  • Querying and indexing in MongoDB

Week 3: Node.js and Express.js

  • Introduction to Node.js and its features
  • Building server-side applications with Express.js
  • Handling routing, middleware, and error handling

Week 4: RESTful API Development

  • Designing and implementing RESTful APIs
  • Implementing CRUD operations with Express.js and MongoDB
  • Testing and documenting APIs

Week 5: React Basics

  • Introduction to React framework
  • Components, JSX, and props
  • State and lifecycle methods

Week 6: React Components and Forms

  • Creating and managing reusable components
  • Handling user input with forms and controlled components
  • Form validation and error handling

Week 7: React Routing and State Management

  • Navigation and routing in React applications
  • Managing application state with React Context or Redux
  • Asynchronous data fetching with React hooks or Redux

Week 8: Advanced React Concepts

  • Component communication using props and callbacks
  • Higher-order components (HOCs) and render props
  • Styling and CSS frameworks in React

Week 9: MERN Stack Integration

  • Building the server-side API with Express.js and MongoDB
  • Consuming the API in a React application
  • Authentication and authorization in the MERN stack

Week 10: Deployment and Scaling

  • Deploying a MERN stack application to a hosting environment
  • Performance optimization and scaling strategies
  • Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) with tools like Git and Jenkins

Week 11: Advanced Topics

  • Real-time communication with WebSockets and Socket.IO
  • Caching and session management
  • Error handling and logging in a MERN stack application

Week 12: Project Development and Presentation

  • Students will work on a MERN stack project of their choice
  • Finalize and present their projects to the class
About the course

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concepts and architecture of the MERN stack.
  2. Set up a development environment for MERN stack development.
  3. Design and implement a database using MongoDB.
  4. Build server-side applications using Node.js and Express.js.
  5. Develop client-side applications using React.
  6. Integrate the different components of the MERN stack to create a full-stack web application.
  7. Use best practices and common tools for MERN stack development.
  8. Deploy a MERN stack application to a hosting environment.
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